Riding the Bullet Train of Innovation and Technology
and “creativity” are words that are on the minds of top executives in
every organization today. The word “innovation (kakushin)” began to be
widely used in Japan 30 years ago. This is due in part to the influence
of Peter Drucker’s “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” (DIAMOND,Inc.
1985). “Creativity (souzou)” on the other hand, probably came into
frequent use in Japan about 50 years ago.
Various sources of literature show that both words are
defined as “bringing forth a valuable breakthrough that has never been
seen before.” Innovation has conventionally been used in Japan to mean
“technological innovation.”
The Three Waves of Innovation
- The first wave of innovation in the industrial world is said to have occurred from the 18th to the 19th century. One example is, the steam locomotive which became widely used.
- The second wave of innovation spanned from the late 19th to the early 20th century, with the discovery of electrical energy and the petroleum-fueled internal combustion engine. In other words, the development of automobile mass production.
- The third wave of technical innovation began in America during the 1940s. It started as the development of technology geared toward making things bigger and faster. These developments were military in nature. Some examples of this wave of technological development include nuclear energy and jet engines.
From 1950 on, America discovered and commercialized new
technology such as synthetics (nylon and material-like plastics),
computer technology, electronics, systems automation, laser technology
and biotechnology. The use of synthetics has been growing exponentially
through the decades.
Alvin Toffler, is the futurist author of “The Third Wave
(Chuo Koronsha 1982).” He once said that “Today, times are in a
continuous super-industrial revolution.” He thought that the major
direction of change was moving towards high technology and traditional
industry being replaced by the service industry, or maybe a combination
of the two. Innovations would change not only our way of doing business
but also how we live our personal lives. The speed of those changes,
according to Toffler, would accelerate greatly and eventually reach a
point where radical change would happen overnight. Toffler called this
form of rapid change, “a future shock.”
The times have indeed undergone a terrifyingly rapid
change, just as Toffler predicted. I call it, “The Storm of Innovation.”
This “storm” is bringing unbelievable changes to the way we do business
and how we conduct our personal lives.
Here are some examples of the unbelievable changes this storm is bringing us:
- Technological innovations, which include the growth of the Internet
- New ceramics
- Carbon fiber
- Titanium alloy
- Shape and memory alloys
- Artificial bones and teeth
- Fiber optic communication
- Laser therapy
- Genetically modified foods
- The growth of mechatronics like robotics
- Advances in communications and communication devices
- Stem cell technology
- 3D printers, and more!
Okay, let’s leave the history of innovation and return
to our lives today. The way we live today is an extension of yesterday,
and tomorrow is an extension of today. That’s why I think we are
somewhat impervious to the violent change-taking place around us. Maybe
it is like looking out the window while riding on the bullet train at
300 kilometers per hour, and not feeling as if you are moving all that
fast. Yet, if you are standing on the local platform watching the Nozomi
(super express) bullet train fly by on the express track, you can feel
the impact of its impressive speed. The wind pressure and noise that is
generated as it passes, the scenery that runs past us looking from the
inside, can be surprising and breath-taking, no matter how many times
you’ve witnessed it.
For those of us living in today’s world, just like
riding that bullet train, the speed of innovation can be difficult to
comprehend. We are constantly deciding which bullet train we are going
to ride. We think about the speed, destination, station stops and the
impact on our surroundings caused by our passing. In other words, maybe
we need to be on the outside, looking at, feeling and thinking about the
“bullet train”, even as we are riding on it.
Source: its-innovative.com
Riding the Bullet Train of Innovation and Technology
Reviewed by Adegunju Uthman
April 16, 2015
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